Meet our team
A highly motivated, professional team of experts at your service
Our team at discover legal GmbH consists of experienced translators who are highly qualified in their respective fields, the majority of whom are sworn translators.
Our team members work exclusively with their native language and are carefully selected. As our translators are qualified in language as well as law, finance or marketing, we ensure that our clients receive translated texts that are not only accurate in terms of content and terminology but also extremely well written.
You deal directly with our managing directors
discover legal GmbH was founded by Elizabeth Lehnich and Catherine Besendahl, both highly experienced legal and financial translators. They are the backbone of the company and are perfectly tuned in to the needs of their clients. They personally ensure that every project runs smoothly and is delivered flawlessly and on time. They are your partners at discover legal and are responsible for the entire team.
Elizabeth Lehnich studied Japanese and French at university. After living in Kyoto for a number of years she moved to Germany in 1999. She is a sworn translator in Lower Saxony. Catherine Besendahl was sworn in as a certified translator in the Hanseatic city of Hamburg. She read Chinese studies and economics at university. She was also shaped by growing up in an English-speaking household in Germany.
Together they founded discover legal in 2012. Since then they have continuously expanded, gathering a dedicated team of experienced and highly qualified experts in a wide variety of fields around them. Thus ensuring that you have the right team at your side for your individual needs and that the final product is coherent and professional. At the helm of discover legal, Catherine Besendahl and Elizabeth Lehnich combine first-class expertise with professional project management skills and a high degree of flexibility.
We thrive on challenges!
Quality assurance | How we work
Our company philosophy is deeply rooted in the following criteria:
- We work exclusively with experienced and expert translators
- Your projects are solely entrusted to the appropriate translator or team of translators, according to their training and qualifications
- We always clarify any questions we may have with you directly
- We work according to the four-eyes principle, i.e. every translation is proofread again by a member of our proofreading team
- We always use the same proofreader within a project so that consistency is maintained throughout
- We maintain glossaries and terminology lists for every client and every project
- We use a translation memory system, which ensures that we have a single “digital memory” of all of our work for you
- For complex projects it is essential that the terminology is consistent. This makes it possible to refer between documents and ensures that the whole communication is clear and coherent. We know how important this is, which is why we create glossaries and ensure that all of your documents are finally checked by the same proofreader.
Since the texts and facts entrusted to us are usually highly confidential, we operate using the highest standards of security and data protection.

Elizabeth Lehnich
Elizabeth Lehnich is a sworn translator in Hanover. Having studied Japanese and French at university, she has been in living in Germany for almost three decades.

Catherine Besendahl
Catherine Besendahl is a sworn translator for public authorities and courts in Hamburg. She has a degree in business and economics and was additionally influenced by her English-speaking parents in Germany.
If you love language – join our translator team!
Are you passionate about words? Do you love tricky texts and legal conundrums or are you a true financial expert? Would you like to exchange knowledge and expertise in a highly specialised team?
Would you like to know your proofreader personally so that you can discuss your work with them? Would you like to be able to ask your colleagues for advice or inspiration? And get together with the other members of the team from time to time?
We are also passionate translators and we believe in paying our team members fairly and promptly. It is very important for us to create a working atmosphere that is positive, supportive and a joy to work in. Our company culture inspires our translators to produce great work that they can be proud of.
Join our highly motivated team!
If you love languages as we do and you always place quality first then you will be a perfect fit for our team. Just get in touch with us!